Tuesday, June 26, 2012

oh my heavens

Jacks friends and family are generous, to the point that we might need to add some sq feet to the play room in the new house! We got home from Jacks party just in time to give him a bath and put him to sleep for the night. So instead of opening presents on a sleepy note we decided to tell him that he could open them in the morning. If there is one thing you must remind yourself, is when you tell him something he will not forget! You can not tell him "go to sleep and maybe tomorrow we will go to Chucky Cheese" ...because when he wakes up in the morning the first words he will say is "do you have money, I want to go to Chucky Cheese". No joke.
So we knew he wouldn't forget and sure enough when he woke up on Sunday the first thing he told Kevin in a sweet whispering voice was "Daddy I want to open my presents now" :)

Jack got so many amazing toys and he has been having a blast playing with them. No TV was turned on today, he was engrossed with puzzles, trains, cars, and books! Thank you thank you thank you for all your thoughtful gifts! We hope you all come to play and have fun in our toy room soon!



1 comment:

Jane said...

Wow!!! Looks like Christmas....for 10 kids ;). Such great stuff. Happy Birthday Jack! So neat that your Dad came for his bday too :).