Thursday, January 6, 2011


Though I'm certain my Dad and I would have much rather been at Disney World than the hospital, we didn't have a choice. So we had as much fun as we could and enjoyed our time talking when Dad felt ok. I was so sad to leave but I was so happy to be there to take care of my Dad. I arrived to the airport early and had time to check out all the shops. Of course front and center was a HUGE Disney store. Not really a souvenir, we will save that for when Dad is feeling better and can take Jack-Jack to see Mickey himself! But I couldn't walk out without getting him something. So baby Mickey it was!
I'm certain he is in love!

 He also got a Mickey sippy, which he loves watching the juice go through the straw!
 ...and a Mickey plate to eat snacks on :)


1 comment:

Carl&JulieFamilySite said...

Christian has that cup! LOL! Good luck getting that stupid straw clean. ARGH.

Wait. You went to Disney World by yourself!?!? Whos dad? Yours or Jacks?? Hoping for a follow up post!