Monday, August 23, 2010

Oh baby....

Mommy was a mess this morning, of course I didn't let Jack see that - but when I left the school I was a crying sobbing mess! It was comforting to see a few other toddler moms doing the same. Those kinder moms looked at us like we were crazy... whatever :) 
I sure hope he is doing ok, he was really sad when I left him.... oh baby boy!!

I miss him like crazy already!! Even though I work from home and close my door for most of the day, I guess I didn't realize how much I love hearing him babble, its so quiet in the house :(
But I know he is a strong little boy and is doing just fine without me, as they say this is always harder on the parents than the kiddos.

We started out the morning right, with some eggs, ham & peach
We practiced raising our hand.....
...and sharing!
After breakfast we got dressed and put on our backpack...except it was so full it pulled him down! oops
Mom come on lets go!

I think he knew something was serious!
Once we got there he headed straight for the blocks...
...and was busy entertaining himself.
It was time to leave and Mrs. Hong was trying to ask Jack to come to her. He kept waiving bye bye to her and stood firm at the door.
So I knew this morning would be hard but I know they will get easier and he will run to class soon enough! We love you sweet boy and hope you are having fun, we will see you in just a few short hours!


Rainbow said...

What ever this Kinder mom would have been sharing her box of tissues !!! It is tough...Juliana starts preschool this week too and I have already been balling my eyes out and we stil have meet the teacher and the first day. He is just precious and will be all smiles when you pick him later :)

Carl&JulieFamilySite said...

Awwwwwwwww!!! I'd be crying, too!!! But you know he's having a GREAT time at school! He going to greet you when you get there to pick him up, and he'll have a giant smile on his face and babble at you, telling you how much fun he had that day!!! =)

Jane said...

I am so behind on what's going on?!?! Where is Nelvi? Is this fulltime daycare or Mother's Day out? Don't worry he will be fine! It is definitely harder on you than him. I guess I need to go back and catch up on your blog :).

Kelly said...

He looks too cute!!! Hang in there =)