Friday, January 17, 2014

Candy Trains and The Train Show

 We forgot all about this Christmas train gingerbread set, so we pulled it out the other night (along with our Easter table cloth, just to get you nice and confused) and set up to make candy trains! Jack loved "messing up" so that he could "erase" which meant eat the frosting...ha
 I think they turned out so cute!

 This past weekend I gave Kevin a little break and I took Jack to the train show! We have been before but this one was really fun, it had more things for the kids to do and Jack was obsessed for the next two hours with trains, trains, trains!

 This was so awesome. They had a hole the kids could crawl into and pop up in the train track to watch the trains speed by!

 Another cool exhibit was Jack got to race this bike "super fast" and make the train go around the track, he figured it out pretty fast and was REALLY proud of himself!

 We ran into our friend Klein and pal'd around with him for a while

 All those trains wore a little guy out!!
 ....and sparked his interested in his own trains again :)


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