Thursday, July 28, 2011

two year checkup

 We had Jackson's two year check up Wednesday afternoon and it couldn't have gone any better!

Jack you not only got an A+ but Dr. Pate had some really amazing things to say about you. When she walked in the room, we were going over the alphabet that Mommy put on the table paper with crayons. We made our letters, numbers, shapes, colors etc. When she came in she listened to you for a while go over the entire alphabet, which I told her you have been doing for a while now. Then what really amazed her is that you were sounding out each letter.. A ahhhh B buhhh.. all the way to Z. She was so impressed and then after all your testing she told Mommy that out of her current 2 year clients, you are her most advanced patient right now and that of her career there have only been a handful of 2 yr olds as advanced in their ability of letter, sound & word recognition as you. She said that she is certain you will be reading by 3 if not sooner. No pressure Mr. Smarty!

Your love for letters, words and numbers is so neat, we love watching you learn! 

While all the above is blog worthy, 
What's most important is that you are a perfectly healthy two year old and that is
all we could ever ask for! 

                                 A little boo boo band aide for some routine blood test.

                                                           Dr. Pate & Jack

1 comment:

The Crazy Castros said...

You go Jack!!!! So funny to finally see Dr Pate she's a popular pedi I just hadn't seen her HA!!!