Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to Mommy

 Well not until Monday, but we celebrated early, and in usual fashion we celebrate all month long, so why not start today! This morning I woke up and was greeted a few minutes later by a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my Dad! I loved having lunch this afternoon at the table with fresh flowers to company me...Jackson however was much more interested in watching The Wiggles. He cracks me up the way he watches TV in his chair :)

This evening Kevin's parents came over with presents and a dinner to Ruggles for my birthday.

 It was the best food I have had in Houston since I've lived here, soooooooo good! Kevin and his Mom enjoying salad & tuna. Delish!
  We took Jackson with us, and he was good at first.
 He was loving the hummus (one of his favorites) but then it got a little messy and stressy...ha. We had the iPad with us to entertain him, but shortly into the movie Humpty Dumpty came on (we are not sure why but Jack is TERRIFIED of Humpty Dumpty) and he started to scream and wanted nothing to do with the movie anymore. I didn't know this video I downloaded had the song in it...uh oh! At that point we had to wrap up dinner fast...and we have learned he is at the age where we have to get a sitter now. 
I wish we could have stayed longer to enjoy our food and engage in more conversation, but little man was not having it. I still had a great time and it was such a wonderful dinner! yum yum! 
We came back to open presents..exciting! 
 New running shoes from Jack! yay!
 My SLR is just too big to carry around everywhere so this is perfect...and its pink!!Thanks honey :)
 Kevin's parents spoiled me with a gazillion new Old World ornaments for my collection. These pricey breakables are a daring collection for a Mom of a 19 month old, but they are so beautiful I can not resist!!  
Thanks for a wonderful start to my birthday!



Jane said...

Happy early birthday!!! It looks like a fab day, and that food DOES look delish!

Rainbow said...

Happy Early Birthday Jess !!! Those flowers are GORGEOUS :)

Carl&JulieFamilySite said...

Someone likes pink!! Cute camera!! Glad you had a happy day (month! I believe in the month-long-birthday philosophy, too.)