Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

We are SO PROUD of Jack! He did so good tonight! He kept his costume on the entire time, walked on his own to most of our neighbors doors, took candy and put it in his bucket and was the BEST skunk (ok he was the only skunk...but so cute)! Baby boy you had so much fun tonight, you were very interested in all the kids running around on our street! 

Cutest little stinker we have ever seen! 

 Off and ready to go get some candy!

He quickly learned how to pick a piece of candy from the bowl and put it in his candy bucket, smart boy! 
 Our friends across the street, Andrew & Ruby.

 Our next door neighbor Wes! Jack kept looking at Wes thinking "what are you wearing"... I'm not sure if Jack remembered he had on a silly costume too! ha

 Grandma Strehlow, Kev and Jack heading to fill up with more candy!
 Our friend David, what a cute cowboy!
 Everyone really enjoyed Jacks costume!

 Silly Daddy!

 Our friend Ruby, wow isn't that a crazy cool costume!!
 After a fun night we came inside and as you can see Jack was really curious about those shiny packages he collected all night.
 What a great Halloween!!!



The Harris Family said...

Super cute little skunk!!

Mama K said...

Adorable!! That is a great costume!

Kelly said...

Too cute!!!!

Jane said...


Carl&JulieFamilySite said...

Jack looks soooo cute in his costume!

I just love the picture of the monkey and the skunk looking at each other! LOL!

And your shirt is so perfect and cute!