Christmas is my favorite time of year, I love the family, the food and time off from work! This year we decided to do present opening on Christmas Eve at our house and then do family lunch/dinner on Christmas Day at Aunt Stacy & Uncle Joe's house. This worked out really well, especially since Jack was not feeling well and he wasn't really understanding the concept of present opening. I'm certain next year we will have to do Christmas morning to open our presents with him because he will be all about Santa! It was nice to have broken it up on two days! Double the fun, family and food!
Here are pictures from Christmas Eve, we tried to do a 2 present per person max, but I think we all failed miserably! While we don't need anything, it was so fun to see how thoughtful and creative everyone was! I'm happy to say that
everything,well most everything has either found a home or is in the washer! What a nice feeling to go into the week! We even packed up some of Jacks old toys and replenished his toy shelves with all new wonderful gifts. Thank you to everyone in our family and our dear friends who constantly amaze us with the generosity! It's for sure not about the gifts, but I think we all have so much fun through the year finding the perfect something for each other. Looking forward to next year!
Nelvi embellished my pjs and I loooooved them!
Oh dear, so many!!
Not sure about all this, but his Christmas pjs are just so sweet!
Grandpa Strehlow & Jack
Kevin got awesome clothes for golfing which he can ALWAYS use!
Angry Birds is a game app for the ipad, and Kevin nor I have been able to stop playing it! We love the iPad!
This car is so much fun, you shake it and it zoooooooms across the floor!
What a neat gift...its a vinyl play area that has OUR neighborhood as the streets, so he can play with the cars on our street.
Loved Mickey!
A new super doooper cool bike, we got a video that we are uploading now :)
He got LOTS of puzzles and educational games, which he was mastering right as he opened them!
So smart :)
His new mini wagon that he can carry his new toys in
Wowzers look at that mess, but we got it all cleaned up and we all went to bed with smiles on our faces!
oh and the toy room is happy, it has all new toys! Thanks again everyone!
Here we are on Christmas afternoon getting ready to to head over to Kevin's sisters house.
Gran & Mimi with Jack, so pretty!
He loooooved these little animated Santas they had in the window
Grandpa King we wish you could have been here but I'm going to upload some video so you can see some of the fun we had. We love you and hope you are feeling better soon!