Thursday, September 3, 2009

Puppy+Froggy+Skeleton = SPOILED

My mother comes on Thursday to visit Jack and most often she comes bearing gifts...surprised? No, I knew she would, so I fully expect it and embrace that my child is spoiled!
So this week we got decked out with Halloween. I was complaining that all of the Halloween outfits were too bulky for a little baby. Mom to the rescue...she went shopping and usually a kid gets ONE costume... but not this little toot. He has three outfits to change into.

We will actually be on a plane from Honolulu to Maui on Halloween with Jack heading to Aunt Stacy and Uncle Joes wedding. I think we will put him in the Skeleton onesie on the plane for comfort.

Then we will go trick-o-treating in the neighborhood of the house Stacy and Joe has rented for our family ( I can not wait! I have dreamed of dressing up my child for a while now! It's so AWESOME that I get to have a couple of outfits to change him into! Plus we all know that babies drool, spit-up, poop having a backup costume is a must :)

We love all of them that she got, but how fitting that he will be a dalmatian puppy, because my favorite costume of my own is Cruella! I think I'm one good Cruella, probably because I have some of her personality in real life...Muahhahahaha

Next year Jackson will be big enough to fill out and look adorable in a Tom Arma costume, these are the the creme de la creme of baby costumes and I have had my eye on them WAY before I had a baby in mind.
Most would ask how I even knew about them, well I'm Jessica .. enough said :)


Maple said...

He will be so cute!! I love how there is a designer who only makes baby halloween costumes- I guess there's a market for almost anything! You'll have to let us know if Halloween traditions differ at all in Hawaii...

Carl&JulieFamilySite said...

He's going to look so cute in that froggie costume! All he'd need is a little crown pinned/sewn into the top of the frog hood! Little Frog Prince! :D

Rainbow said...

Halloween is my favorite time of the year !!! 3 costumes seems very normal to me LOL !!! I can't wait to see pictures.