Sunday, September 13, 2009

But I wanna go too Daddy!!

Today is the first Texans football game of the season. Our dear family friend Gokul got his company tickets...sweet club level passes!! He was super generous and called Kev and see if he wanted to go and invited him to bring a friend. Kevin called up Adam (Jacks godfather) and the boys met at our house for a pre beer. The invitation was open for myself and Jackson to go....but our sweet boy is just too small for all that fun. Next year he will be all about some football games for sure! Thanks Gokul for treating the boys to a fun afternoon!

Adam and Jack doing the Heisman pose Getting some last minute snuggles from the boys

Bye Bye Daddy, have fun and the game! Sorry mom will not be watching it, so you will just have to tell Jack all about it when you get home!

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