Saturday, May 2, 2009

31 amazing weeks!

So here we are at 31 weeks, and it seems like just yesterday we were finding out ! I never thought I would get to being so close and now the weeks are just flying by...
We went on Friday to see Dr. Strehlows new office, and get a peak at Jackson! Stacy let us know that Jack has officially turned south! Kevs mom and Dad also attended, this was the first ultrasound they had ever seen in person!! It's hard to believe that back in the day you just had a baby without ever seeing all of these cool pictures and not even knowing what sex the baby would be!!?!?
Here are a few of our favorite shots. Thanks sis for having us at your office!

Resting on his little arm!

Sleepy Night Night Yawn!!!


Averill said...

OMG! They've gotten REALLY good with ultrasound. HE HAS A FACE. Crazy. I can't wait to meet Jack!

Rainbow said...

He is so precious. I could not imagine being preggo in the days without being able to know gender or even sneak a peak at what they look like. Jackson does look like a mini Kevin but you will see the Jess in him once he arrives :)

Carl&JulieFamilySite said...

OMG! Are those little feets and hands, too! SO CUTE!