Sunday, April 11, 2010

Baby and Bugs

On Saturday our friends Nicole & Josh hosted a Crawfish boil at their house. Daddy couldn't join us because he has been working non! So Jack and I packed up and headed over to the Grabow house for some bugs! Jack was the only kid there, but he fit right in and of course everyone showered him with love! We had soooo much fun, the only thing missing was Kev!

Nicole showing Jack the live crawfish..he was NOT a fan at first... But then those bugs got cooked and that bright red was just toooooo irresistible not to touch. Sarah was trying her hardest not to let him get one, but he did! Stinker!

Josh was thumbs up to his crawfish cookin' skills! Love it :)
We made our way from the garage to inside... and stopped to play with Bella. Jordan's boots rocked!It was then time for some backyard fun. Oh and check out baby boys outfit!? Too cute, right? :) Our friend Sarah who is pregnant with a lady friend for us! She is the cutest little mama around!Oh how I love these girls! Thanks friends for a fun Saturday!

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