Sunday, January 5, 2014

Gymnastics camp

Jack has a two week holiday break and instead of being on the iPad for two weeks straight I signed him up at our local gymnastics academy for day camp. For $50 a day from 9 to 3 with two snacks and lunch included he gets to tumble,bounce and flip his way through the day. He is loving it and It's so cute to watch him for a few minutes when I drop him off. 

This picture he is right at the T in adventure. (White shirt) they were crawling backwards. 
This day they were warming up and he is in the middle navy pants and red shirt. Skipping his way around the mat. 
Navy pants red shirt 
Bottoms up. Smack in the middle on this one. Ha. He is getting so big and his days of crying when we drop him off are over. He just gives me a kids and off he goes. The gym instructor told Kevin and I that out son is so polite. We couldn't be prouder to the gentleman he is becoming!  

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