Saturday, April 3, 2010


We celebrated Passover with Kevin's family this afternoon. Kevin's Great Aunt Dorothy had all of us over for a lovely lunch. She served homemade matzoh ball soup along with some other great dishes. I had a taste of the soup and it was pretty good for my first time, Kevin had two full bowls! Stacy's butternut squash casserole was delish!! Jack had a great time hanging out with family but we sure did miss Grandma Strehlow who was out of town this weekend. All the family loved on Jack.... after all he is SO lovable :)

Jack's hands reaching for the soup. We did give him some carrot with the broth and he loved it!

Joe not really digging Manischewitz Wine...ha haJack was busy playing with his dragon and enjoying being shirt free..toot! Grandpa Strehlow & Jack Back with his shirt on so that we could go take some family pictures, Thanks Aunt Stacy & Uncle Joe for taking a few snaps :)

Uncle Joe and Jack playing in the backyard

Kevin's cousin Laura was tickling Jack with the grass, he was cracking up!

Thanks Aunt Dorothy for a lovely lunch and afternoon get together!


stacy :) said...

Love the pics and it was great to see y'all, as always! I'm stealing some of the photos for my blog, mmkay?

Jane said...

Precious pics of ya'll! Looks like a great family day. xoxo

KLSgolf said...

Joe was cracking me up in the back yard playing with Jack and doing the bubububububu sound/face to make him smile. Such a great uncle!