Sunday, April 4, 2010

Afternoon Nap

After our fun picnic we took Jack over to the playground and people watched for a little while. Baby boy was getting tired so we headed home so that he could take his afternoon nap. We put him in his crib and he was talking to himself, not unusual. Kevin just happen to look at the monitor and said "Oh my gosh" while he rushed over to Jack's room to peek in. I just so happen to have the camera next to me as I was doing the Easter blog post.... look what we found on the monitor!!

This is what he did when we both walked in...toot toot!!
Guess we have a chore to do before little bit goes to bed tonight....lowering the mattress!! At least he will go down right on time since he decided there was to be no nap today. We officially have a crib surfer!


The Harris Family said...

Awww..look at that big boy!

Rainbow said...

TOO CUTE!!! I love his "I got busted face" :)

The Harris Family said...

I love that last pic of the's like he's hangin over the edge saying, "Heeeeyyy....Heeellloooo...Anybody? I'm awake in here!!"